Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Question: What are the Most Common Misconceptions about Catholicism?

I have not been a very faithful contributor to this blog in recent months. I have blown hot and cold. The fact is, I’ve had other writing assignments, including a big book project I just finished. Now I am writing something else, and I need your help!

This Saturday, I am participating in an interfaith symposium at a nearby college, and I have been asked to wave the Catholic banner. Representatives of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and Protestantism will also be there, and each of us is to give a 20-minute talk about the core beliefs of our faith. This will be followed by a 90-minute Q&A free-for-all.

I’m pretty clear on the core beliefs of the Catholic Church. There are two authoritative sources, one measuring 227 words (The Nicene Creed) and the other nearly 900 pages (The Catechism of the Catholic Church). Where I need your help is with a secondary question we’ve all been asked to answer:

What are some of the most common misconceptions of your faith and why are they mis-conceptions?

I have a few ideas of my own, but I would like nothing better than to read yours. And to use them this Saturday without permission!

So fire away. The comment box is yours.