A few days ago, I wrote a post where I said that as a father and husband, I can't literally go "to the Desert." I quipped "maybe in the future." Sure you will, I thought to myself. And then I found this story of a saint who did just that. Her name is Marie of the Incarnation and her Feast Day is April 18th.
Allison wrote a post on the same day about praying for vocations. Keep this in mind as you pray, because it just might turn out that the prayer may well be answered by an opened door. Who is to say what lies ahead for us? God knows. Barbara Avrillot was a mother of six, but her babies grew up and her husband passed away, opening the door to a life she had always admired. Let's take a look.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Because of First Communions
Over the course of three Saturday mornings this spring, nearly 250 second graders at Saint Patrick's Parish in Yorktown Heights, NY, will be making their First Communion. A niece of mine is one of these blessed children and I was privileged to witness this special moment in her spiritual life. We Catholics make a big fuss over First Communions and this one was no exception. Four priests celebrated the Mass and hundreds of family members and friends crowded the sanctuary. Wedged among my own extended family, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit move through the church and through me during the Mass.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
To See the Face of Christ

For All the Saints: Catherine of Siena
Fearless. Bold. Doctor of the Church. Poet. Mystic. Stigmatic. Correspondent of Popes and Royalty. Correspondent to the Faithful. Action-oriented contemplative. Saint Catherine of Siena was all these and more.
She had a vision at age 6, and decided that she would become a virgin and bride of Christ by age 7. Her parents weren't very enthused at the idea, but eventually they relented. She died on this day in 1380 at 33 years of age. Her body was exhumed in 1430 and found to be incorrupt. She was canonized in 1461 by Pope Pius II.
She had a vision at age 6, and decided that she would become a virgin and bride of Christ by age 7. Her parents weren't very enthused at the idea, but eventually they relented. She died on this day in 1380 at 33 years of age. Her body was exhumed in 1430 and found to be incorrupt. She was canonized in 1461 by Pope Pius II.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
“Death Be Not Proud” (A Few Words for Wednesday)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
To Pray for Vocations

To Cultivate the Desert in this Jungle of Words
Words can be tricky things. Words spoken. Words written. Words thought of. Words acted upon. Words seemingly written in clarity. Words being read in a fog of misunderstanding. Words with only one meaning. Words with many meanings. A writer's or blogger's stock-in-trade is words. And words are the ultimate double-edged swords. It's funny that, as I am writing this, I only now notice that one letter separates word from sword. St. James knew this well. Read chapter three of his letter for his cautionary tale on words and the responsibility of their use.
Monday, April 26, 2010
To Learn How to be Merciful

Thanks to Arvo Pärt (Music for Monday)

For All the Saints: Popes Cletus and Marcellinus

Sunday, April 25, 2010
For the Joys of Prayerful Silence
The general quiet and often hushed silence of my solitude is a remedy, consolation, comfort, and luxury, like an unspoken call to prayer a hundred times a day. My effective muezzin is my own heartbeat, you see. I have forsworn TV all my adult life; I own no radio; I long ago gave away my sound equipment. Life can sound so much like the crash and the fury and the cry. And, when my littlest grandchild has Mommy call Grandpa to 'talk,' her gentle gurgles and attempts to convey her blossoming feelings can mean something to one more and more acculturated to hear God in every little natural sound. As yet, no words: just an angel's innocence.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Because He Works Through Us
Today we have another reflection from our guest Julie Cragon of Nashville, Tennessee. It is a powerful example of how Christ works through His children and allows us to be His partners in the "ministry of reconciliation" as "we are ambassadors for Christ, as if God were appealing through us." (2 Corinthians 5:18-20)
Guest post by Julie Cragon
Guest post by Julie Cragon
I was gently reminded today of one of my favorite prayers by St. Teresa of Avila
Friday, April 23, 2010
To Recapture the Faith of My Youth
For All the Saints: George

When I was a child, my parents had a small print in their study of Saint George slaying a dragon whose tail wrapped around the edges of the print. In deep blues and greens, the print hung on a corner wall near my parents' dictionary stand and our set of World Book encyclopedias. I knew, of course, that St. George was the stuff of British folklore and no more real than Robin Hood. I was wrong.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Because Sorrow Enriches Us

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
John Milton, “On His Blindness” (A Few Words for Wednesday)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Because of Divine Frivolity
Times are tough all over. First we had the economic meltdown to contend with. Now we Catholics are watching our Church and our Pope get attacked by the same people who were attacking Goldman Sachs two years ago, and Tiger Woods a few months ago. Are the attacks justified? Where you sit is probably where you stand. But the fact of the matter is, the storm has been raging since day one on planet Earth.
To Sing My Part

Monday, April 19, 2010
Gettin’ Twangy, Sister (Music for Mondays)
Frank and I have so much fun with this regular feature we might have to make it a daily affair. Well, maybe not. We've had chants, polyphony, Christian rockers, and just plain rockers in recent weeks. It's time to get twangy with some of America's top country and bluegrass ladies, each of whom has something to say to the spirit. Last week, I did a post on Mary Gauthier's lovely tune "Mercy Now," recorded at the Grand Old Opry. Here's a quartet of tunes that make good company for that one and may just rain a little more mercy down on us all.
For Practical Advice Like This from Benedict Baur

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Because of Bishops Like This II (A Letter to Parishioners)
A few days ago I shared a post about an allegation of sexual abuse that occurred on April 14th in the diocese my family resides in. I posted the press release of Bishop Richard F. Stika along with the 27-minute-long video of the press conference held the day after the allegation came to light.
Thanks to the Support of Other Catholic Men
Saturday, April 17, 2010
To Find Christ in the Grid

Friday, April 16, 2010
Because of Bishops Like This
Yesterday in my hometown, the Bishop held a press conference. There was an allegation of sexual abuse from years past that just came to light. No doubt the recent events in our Church are giving some victims the courage to speak out about the harm that unfortunately came to them from the most unexpected of places.
What follows are the opening comments of Bishop Richard F. Stika's announcement to the press. If you have the time (27 minutes approx.) please listen to Bishop Stika as he fields questions from the local press corps. He very candidly and openly discusses the problem of sexual abuse and how these cases are being handled. If anything, his remarks are an example of the beatitudes in action, justice coupled with mercy woven through and through with Christian charity.
What follows are the opening comments of Bishop Richard F. Stika's announcement to the press. If you have the time (27 minutes approx.) please listen to Bishop Stika as he fields questions from the local press corps. He very candidly and openly discusses the problem of sexual abuse and how these cases are being handled. If anything, his remarks are an example of the beatitudes in action, justice coupled with mercy woven through and through with Christian charity.
Because We Could All Use a Little Mercy Now

Thursday, April 15, 2010
An Interview with President George Washington on the Scandal
I've seen some weird stuff recently regarding the current scandal embroiling our beloved Church. This for example. And this. Hunter S. Thompson said that "when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." Keep that in mind as you read on.
What follows are all quotes from the first President of the United States, George Washington. I wondered today what his thoughts would be regarding the current crisis facing our Church. Below are my questions (Joe Sixpack, USMC) and President Washington's "thoughts" on the subject, as I have arranged them.
For simplicity's sake, my questions are in plain script and the President's responses are in italics. Here goes.
What follows are all quotes from the first President of the United States, George Washington. I wondered today what his thoughts would be regarding the current crisis facing our Church. Below are my questions (Joe Sixpack, USMC) and President Washington's "thoughts" on the subject, as I have arranged them.
For simplicity's sake, my questions are in plain script and the President's responses are in italics. Here goes.
Because of the Answer to Question 108 of the Baltimore Catechism

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Thanks to Walt Whitman (A Few Words for Wednesday)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Because We Need to Believe in Goodness

Monday, April 12, 2010
It's Only Rock ’n Roll (Music for Mondays)
What does this morning's music have in common? Basically it's only rock n' roll, but I like it. Heck, maybe I just feel like playing air-guitar and singing some of my favorite secular tunes. Follow along with me and see if we can pull some Catholic perspective out of the following songs. Keeping in mind, of course, that these are just one person's impressions. As Allison says, your mileage may vary.
To Be an Old Man Who Goes to Mass Every Day

Sunday, April 11, 2010
For Thoughts Like These on Divine Mercy Sunday
It is the first Sunday after Easter, now known as Divine Mercy Sunday. For the previous nine days we have been praying a novena for the Divine Mercy in preparation for this day. Today there will be services honoring the Divine Mercy image, special penance services, indulgences, etc. Why? All because some nun had visions and heard voices? Well yes, but only because the visions and voices were true to Christ and His Church. If it had been otherwise, we wouldn't be commemorating this day with such vigor and passion.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Because of Ferrell, My Guardian Angel

Guest Post by Julie Cragon
A couple of years ago, a few of us at the bookstore were having a conversation a couple about Guardian Angels. Catholic bookstore, spiritual conversations, pretty normal. I recounted something my mother had passed on to her eight children. She had told us if we said the Guardian Angel Prayer five times before going to sleep, our protector's name would come to us the next day. The employees and I laughed about the idea, but thought we would give it a try.
For The Divine Mercy: A Novena (Day 9, Easter Saturday)
This is the eve of Divine Mercy Sunday and we are back to where we started. On this, the final day, we pray for lukewarm Christians.
"Today bring to Me the Souls who have become Lukewarm, and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. These souls wound My Heart most painfully. My soul suffered the most dreadful loathing in the Garden of Olives because of lukewarm souls. They were the reason I cried out: 'Father, take this cup away from Me, if it be Your will.' For them, the last hope of salvation is to run to My mercy."
"Today bring to Me the Souls who have become Lukewarm, and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. These souls wound My Heart most painfully. My soul suffered the most dreadful loathing in the Garden of Olives because of lukewarm souls. They were the reason I cried out: 'Father, take this cup away from Me, if it be Your will.' For them, the last hope of salvation is to run to My mercy."
Friday, April 9, 2010
For The Divine Mercy: A Novena (Day 8, Easter Friday)
For lifelong Catholics, the doctrine of Purgatory is probably no big deal. Then again, what do I know? I'll be frank, I don't know much. Which actually is just another reason why I am Catholic. When I became a Catholic I took an oath to believe everything the Church believes, and I do.
A few days ago we prayed for children and the childlike. In the gospel of Matthew, Our Lord said, "Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." I have no problem following this prayer request now.
A few days ago we prayed for children and the childlike. In the gospel of Matthew, Our Lord said, "Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." I have no problem following this prayer request now.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
To Suffer with the Church, with Christ

Because Worshiping God is Important, Even If It Takes an Electronic Sign

For The Divine Mercy: A Novena (Day 7, Easter Thursday)
We are only three days away from Divine Mercy Sunday and our novena will conclude this Saturday. So far, we have prayed for all mankind, priests and religious, the devout and faithful, unbelievers, separated Christendom, and the childlike and children. That is quite a list so far. Just when you thought there could be nothing else, today Our Lord has a special request:
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
“Pied Beauty” (A Few Words for Wednesday)

For The Divine Mercy: A Novena (Day 6, Easter Wednesday)
Pride. My old nemesis. One of the seven deadly sins. Marines and pride go together like peas and carrots. In fact, the sin of pride can warp virtually anything it touches. Maybe even space and time; just ask Lucifer.
C. S. Lewis expounded on this silent killer in Mere Christianity. This is the definition of pride: it is not humble, nor is it childlike in its innocence. Which brings us to Our Lord's request for our prayers today,
C. S. Lewis expounded on this silent killer in Mere Christianity. This is the definition of pride: it is not humble, nor is it childlike in its innocence. Which brings us to Our Lord's request for our prayers today,
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Because of the Ripples
My daughter Marian was received into the Catholic Church at Saturday's Easter Vigil. I have been incommunicado since we left for Chapel Hill, NC, early Friday, and this is why. At times like these, words fail. I snapped three quick pictures of the confirmation rite and the camera failed too: only one picture came close to coming out. In the shot below, Marian is the blond woman directly behind Msgr. John Wall, pastor of the Newman Center at UNC.
For The Divine Mercy: A Novena (Day 5, Easter Tuesday)
It is the fifth day that we are praying the Divine Mercy novena. And it is being prayed worldwide, not only by we few (we happy few) YIM Catholic readers and writers, but by other Catholic Christians as well. They hail from every clime and place, to borrow a phrase from the Marine Corps hymn. And on this day from all of us around the globe, Our Lord asks us to pray for the unity of His Church.
Monday, April 5, 2010
For All the Saints: Isidore of Seville

Because of the Litany of the Saints

Easter Chants and the Gloria is Back! (Music for Mondays)

Here at YIM Catholic, we hope you had a Blessed Easter! I found a few chants that even a hillbilly like me can even understand. I hope you enjoy them.
For The Divine Mercy: A Novena (Day 4, Easter Monday)
It's Monday morning and many of us head back to work or school following the Feast Day of Easter. This past weekend, many catechumens and candidates were brought into union with the Church. Joyful news! Now Our Lord requests that in our prayers we remember the many who do not yet know him,
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Because of the Thurifers

For The Divine Mercy: A Novena (Day 3, Easter Sunday)

Today bring to Me all Devout and Faithful Souls, and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. These souls brought me consolation on the Way of the Cross. They were a drop of consolation in the midst of an ocean of bitterness.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
For The Divine Mercy: A Novena (Day 2, Holy Saturday)
Admittedly, I jumped into this novena at the last minute. But do you see the words at the bottom of the Divine Mercy portrait? Jesus I Trust in You. Just so, I trust that suitable complementary material on the Divine Mercy will be forthcoming to share with you.
Because Death Catches Up to All of Us, Even Thomas Alva Edison

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