Saturday, February 5, 2011

To Share, and Share Alike (The Saturday Evening Blog Post)

Today I saw a blogging friend mention that it was time to contribute to blogger Elizabeth Esther’s Saturday Evening Blog Post. I thought, What's that?

It turns out to be sort of like the Saturday Evening Post of yore, in that it is a compilation of blog posts from the past month from both Catholic blog writers, and not, from all over. Elizabeth posts these on the first Saturday of each month. Who is Elizabeth Esther? Come and see.

This month, Elizabeth asked for two selections because she didn't have an issue for the month of December. So I'm sharing a couple of posts that I hope her readers will enjoy and I'm looking forward to reading other bloggers favorite posts as well. From December, I shared Because I Was Blind, And Could Not See, which Scott Hahn told me he liked. And from January, I shared Because the Church Is Paradoxically Consistent, because it is.

So far there are 66 posts to peruse over there, so this issue of The Saturday Evening Blog Post is pretty thick. This should be a blast and I'm looking forward to it!