Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Because Confession Puts Us Back Together

Does everyone remember "The Kid?" That's what I call Marc Barnes who blogs over at BadCatholic. Yes, the one with the blog with a photograph of nuns lighting up smokes. Marc is a gifted writer, and he wrote a guest post for me once. He also has a talent for making videos.

Back in January, I shared the video that Marc made about the March for Life with you. It went viral (sort of), as well it should have. It is that good!

About a month ago, I got wind of a little "make a video about Confession" contest for an All Day Confession Event being held in the Archdiocese of New York. Scholarship money is on the line for the winner of the contest. But for the rest of us, hearing and sharing a message that may save eternal lives is what's on the line.

The first person that popped into my head when I learned of this contest was "the Kid." I sent him a note saying, "hey Kid...make a video on Confession!" As a result, his God-given talents were put to work and he created this fantastic one-minute video below.

Watch it, share it, go to You Tube and "like" it, and more importantly...believe it! Go.Be.Forgiven.

Bravo Zulu Marc, and thanks!